Friday, October 14, 2011

Pursuit of Beauty - Loving my life backwards

I finally lifted my butt off of the mat from a seated position.
I have never done this in my entire life.
Standing from a kneeling position is also new to me.
It took me until now to find out what my body can actually do.
living and loving my life backwards.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Pursuit of Beauty - Mirrors

In a dance studio it is almost impossible to avoid the mirrors. I am thinking about a blindfold.

I took a different class yesterday. It was called "Core," as in strengthening your core muscles.
I told the teacher it reminded me of when I took Gaelic and the teacher would ask us to say something ridiculous and I would look at him incredulously.

I might have done things more gracefully had I not had this fat suit to contend with. When I get out of this fat suit the dancer will dance.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sea Maiden 1897 by Arthur Hacker

Art Blog: Thomas Cooper Gotch : The Message 1899

Pursuit of Beauty - Inspiration

At class today there was a beautiful old Ponytail who came up to me afterward and said that she was so glad that I was there. She had come to visit her daughter, who takes the class, and was brave enough to attempt it with her.

She did great and I was glad that I made the challenge a bit more comfortable for her.

I have made a discovery about my body - ridicule of childhood lead me to the destruction of youth.
My body has been too abused and disliked and has been "other" than me. Now my body IS mine.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Pursuit of Beauty Milestone

Today I was not the fattest one in class and I did better weight lifting reps than some of the thinner ponytails.

I am at a definite disadvantage doing my workout in this fat suit though, because the exercises I am doing for my thighs while standing on my toes only really affect my calves.

Tomorrow a massage!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Pursuit of Beauty, Full Range of Motion

Full range of motion sucks!
I went early today and got some pointers on "form" from one of the head Ponytails at my class.
It was hard and scary. My body hated it and it made the tears come.

I focused very intently on what I was doing, I never realized how long my body was or how far away from the ground my head is. I never realized how my feet looked when they were parallel or what bending my knees into a full seated stance felt like, really. I don't trust my body to do these things.
It was like starting from the beginning again.

Ricks says, "Have fun!" when I leave for class. I don't think it will ever be fun, but maybe I'll have "full range of motion" someday.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Pursuit of Beauty Continues

I woke up just in time to go to my class today.
I thought that the class would be small and was tricked into a spot up front.
The corner behind everyone else, well away from the mirrors is my first choice.

My hair this summer is long in front and short in back.
I noticed that my bed head could be pulled into a "ponytail" in the middle of my forehead.
Maybe next time.

The work outs are doing me some good and I am now more capable of getting off the floor and not falling down in the first place than I have been in a long time. Yay, balance receptors.

I moaned loudly today during the lower abs toture, I mean workout, and the woman next to me was glad ahe was not the only one in pain. We all look uncomfortable and contorted, some more than others. The teacher who has the flexibility of a creature somewhere between an eel and a sea otter is the only one smiling.

It's a good workout, more later.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

In Pursuit of Beauty

I have been going to an exercise class 2 or 3 times a week for several weeks.
It is challenging and uses some equipment as part of the class. The class is in a dance studio type room with wood floors, mirrors and a barre.

The equipment consists of a squishy small blue ball, a large foamy blue mat, a stretch-strap, navy blue, a pair of very light black weights (I am up to 3 pounds) a pair of black heavier weights (I am up to 4 pounds) and a coaster for your water bottle. Each piece of equipment is used at a different time during a different part of the "routine."

The majority of the clientele is rather thin and they all, with very few exceptions, have ponytails. I will henceforth refer to them as "The Ponytails." The exceptions are me, the occasional other fat chick and a long suffering young woman who is 8 months pregnant. None of the Ponytails sweat and all of them can do the splits, but many of them suffer greatly from lifting as much as a 2 pound weight.

The only rain in Texas for the last 3 months has come from my body in this class. I am so wet by the end of the class, it makes me fearful to do stretches with my legs wide for fear I  will look like I peed my unfashionable tights. The Ponytails give me a wide berth and probably wish that I was on a coaster.

I've noticed that my legs are much longer than my arms, my butt is to heavy to lift with the leverage of my arms and I can't do a push-up. I am persistant and work hard, but I do not trust my knees or the sturdiness of the barre to do some of the exercises to their fullest extent.

My last class was Saturday morning at 9:00 AM. Fortunately the routine progressed at a fast enough rate that I was able to fake it through the push-ups and did not have time to construct a hang-man's noose out of my stretch strap.

I have lost 5 pounds, which may or may not stay off. I have what some say is muscles and to me just feels like tight fat. If I was your average fat chick, I would have run screaming to the nearest margarita after the first class, but I like shaking up the Ponytail status quo and I still hope to see some results.

More on later -

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Texas Heat

Because the birds are dying
Because the silence of summer is crushing
Because my clothes hurt and the trees are falling
Because the cats pant and the squirrels are still
Because I fear not-so-spontaneous combustion
I will pray for rain

Monday, July 11, 2011

Hydrangeas - For you from me today.

I am learning so much about the drawing tools on my new toy. It seems like a lot to ask from such a small thing, but here it is!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


We were very careful with our Talents
The Drawings all came True

The Music became Dance
Became Sex
Became You

Now we record, recite, playback
We are no longer obliged to be careful with our Talents

The Magic
The Pain of Finding
The Universe in your Hand

Gone with Age
Bound with Time
Forgotten to be Found again

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Beauty in Texas

Beauty in Texas

Old School Femme, your hair is long
Weighed down with sweet sweat

Your waist is small
Nothing to eat but tears

Your skirt is short
Long legs ending in cowboy boots

Your look is predictable
Loved by the man you hold

You hold him up
He puts you down

Beauty in Texas

Friday, June 17, 2011

Spinning to Butter

I had roses
Now I can only see the roses in her cheeks

I had hours, days, seasons and years
Now I have work and not work

I had celebrations, rituals and spirit
Now I paint pictures to contain the love that has no where left to go

I had you, spinning to butter
Now I have memories and forgetting

Thursday, June 9, 2011

HP - the beginning of the first of many

High Priestess
I like the idea of designing my own Tarot deck and I've started before. I usually start with the High Priestess, I guess it must be my favorite card. We'll see how far I get this time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Now the water washes over me
The anchors hold me down

50 years of struggle
now acquiescence

No one to disturb the endless weight of waiting

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Trying the new paint

I took a break from watercolor land to try out some water soluble oils, not many colors, but no smell.
The photo is a bit tilted, but you get the idea, the composition came from a French "Magic Lantern" collection of tinted images.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Birds of the Wave and Woodland

I've had this fascination with birds lately. I love this book because not only are the illustrations great, but it also mentions bird descriptions, etc from various poems. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The start of some beautiful paintings...

Peonie One
I am working on these without gauche or acrylic so that they have a lighter, freer look.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Ninon De Lenclos, On Her Last Birthday

So let me have the rouge again,
And comb my hair the curly way.
The poor young men, the dear young men
They'll all be here by noon today.

And I shall wear the blue, I think-
They beg to touch its rippled lace;
Or do they love me best in pink,
So sweetly flattering the face?

And are you sure my eyes are bright,
And is it true my cheek is clear?
Young what's-his-name stayed half the night;
He vows to cut his throat, poor dear!

So bring my scarlet slippers, then,
And fetch the powder-puff to me.
The dear young men, the poor young men-
They think I'm only seventy! 

By Dorothy Parker

First Columbine

Painting of columbine from George's garden
Photo of columbine from George's garden