Thursday, June 23, 2011


We were very careful with our Talents
The Drawings all came True

The Music became Dance
Became Sex
Became You

Now we record, recite, playback
We are no longer obliged to be careful with our Talents

The Magic
The Pain of Finding
The Universe in your Hand

Gone with Age
Bound with Time
Forgotten to be Found again

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Beauty in Texas

Beauty in Texas

Old School Femme, your hair is long
Weighed down with sweet sweat

Your waist is small
Nothing to eat but tears

Your skirt is short
Long legs ending in cowboy boots

Your look is predictable
Loved by the man you hold

You hold him up
He puts you down

Beauty in Texas

Friday, June 17, 2011

Spinning to Butter

I had roses
Now I can only see the roses in her cheeks

I had hours, days, seasons and years
Now I have work and not work

I had celebrations, rituals and spirit
Now I paint pictures to contain the love that has no where left to go

I had you, spinning to butter
Now I have memories and forgetting

Thursday, June 9, 2011

HP - the beginning of the first of many

High Priestess
I like the idea of designing my own Tarot deck and I've started before. I usually start with the High Priestess, I guess it must be my favorite card. We'll see how far I get this time.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Now the water washes over me
The anchors hold me down

50 years of struggle
now acquiescence

No one to disturb the endless weight of waiting